Merry Christmas & 2025 News

Hello all,


I hope you’re well and looking forward to Christmas. A little note about changes coming to the clinic in the new year:

As most of you know, the last two years have not been great for me health-wise. I’ve had recurring bouts of fatigue – perhaps long Covid, perhaps not, still being investigated. While each episode brings with it new uncertainty, things are generally going in the right direction. Given the physical demands of the job however, I have decided to take more sustained periods of rest in order to further facilitate healing and hopefully get to a point of complete recovery. I’m still working out what form this takes, whether generally working less every week on a continuous basis or maintain a regular presence and take more frequent breaks. I will probably try both and see what works best. What I have come to appreciate more than ever over the last two years, is what a finite resource physical labour is.

To continue treating you effectively, as well as allow my body rest as needed, means finding a way to make it economically viable. General advice has been to increase prices slightly. While that was my thinking, I deeply appreciate it coming from patients as it means both a recognition of the value of what I do as well a material show of care toward my well-being. So from the new year, my prices will go up to £105/60min and £150/90min.

I arrived at these figures both at patients’ suggestions (thanks Kate and Lizzie for practical arguing to convince me!) and looking around at the cost of practitioners who may provide similar outcomes. I have mostly priced myself as an experienced sports massage therapist but I’m sure most of you will agree my practice and outcomes has long evolved beyond sports massage. Over the years I have curated my practice toward a hands -on functional approach to pain management and healing that is generally more effective and efficient than singular types of manual therapy. So I hope this is reasonable, and fair.

These changes will not affect existing appointments. Existing packages or gift vouchers are also not affected but any problem booking, please get in touch directly. Prices have now changed on the booking page so they will apply to appointments made for the new year. You can still also buy packages of 5 sessions at 10% off as before.

Sheree is still available on Saturdays at the standard rate. I am also looking for another therapist on this same price scale to join the clinic two/three days a week to expand on that availability. Hoping to find and train someone by the end of the first quarter.

If you do get my emails, have a look at one from the 19th of December for 10% off the new rate to say thank you and ease this transition. It is valid until the 31st of Jan. Other changes coming next year are mentioned in the newsletter. More specific notices will be placed on the website in due course.

For now, may you all find joy in (or the strength to survive) the season of family. The optimist in me hopes that 2025 will bring much needed positive change for us all. Merry Christmas!!


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