Why Your Body Feels Exhausted After a Sports Massage: Understanding the Science Behind the Soreness


Sports massages are a great way to relieve tension in muscles and improve athletic performance, but many people experience feelings of exhaustion and soreness after the massage. In this article, we’ll explore the science behind why your body feels so tired after a sports massage, so you can understand what’s happening in your body and how to best take care of yourself.

The Science of Sports Massage

Sports massage is a type of massage that uses deep pressure and stretching techniques to target the muscles and tendons used in athletic activity. The massage therapist applies pressure to specific muscle groups to release tension, improve flexibility, and increase blood flow. These techniques can help to improve athletic performance and prevent injury.

The Release of Lactic Acid

The deep pressure and stretching techniques used in sports massages can cause the release of lactic acid in the muscles. Lactic acid is a substance that is produced by the body during exercise and can cause muscle soreness and stiffness. The release of lactic acid can cause feelings of exhaustion and soreness after the massage.

The Role of Inflammation

Sports massage can also cause inflammation in the muscles. Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury or tissue damage. It is a necessary process for healing, but it can also cause feelings of soreness and fatigue. Inflammation causes the release of chemicals that can cause pain and swelling, which can make you feel more tired after the massage.


In conclusion, feeling tired and sore after a sports massage is a normal response of the body to the deep pressure and stretching techniques used in the massage. The release of lactic acid and inflammation in the muscles can cause feelings of exhaustion and soreness. It’s important to give your body time to recover and take care of yourself by drinking water, getting enough rest and stretching after the massage. It’s also important to communicate with your massage therapist about your physical condition and goals, so they can adjust the pressure and techniques accordingly.

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